Sunday Sites

Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 9:06 AM

Sunday Sites

Handmade Movement ~ Etsy shops promoted.

Tutorial ~ SOCK MONKEY! I had a sock monkey as a little child. I want to make one for each of my kids.

Witch bottles ~ A little over-view about witch bottles.

Sudoku ~ Free printable sudoku.

Letterboxing ~ In North America. Sadly, not many in my state.

Sunday Sites

Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 9:27 AM

Sunday Sites

Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 9:20 AM

Sunday Sites

Crochet Guild of America

Witch Poem ~ I really like this poem.

Tissue Caddy ~ How to make a container to hold your tissues in the car.

Hobo Symbols ~ How "Hobos" communicated. Hover your mouse to get the definition.

Word to Know ~ 100 words every high school graduate should know.


Written by Spider Lady on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Life is fun isn't it? Updates of the family:

Bud: 6 years old. Starting to slow down a bit, he doesn't trip over his own feet as much. Enjoys school (which I hope he keeps). Starting to branch out on what he will eat, thankfully!

Lil Miss: 3 years old. Active as usual. Very opinionated already, I'm kind of afraid of teenage years. She's a little mother to her little brother.

Parasite: 7 weeks old. I know such a nice name for him, I'm such a nice mommy aren't I? He's growing well, already in 3-6 month size clothes. Very quiet, likes to watch everything that is going on.

Me: I'm getting all but 8 of my teeth removed by the end of the month. Then after 4-6 weeks of healing (and NO teeth) I go in and get impressions done for dentures. Then I have another 4-6 weeks of NO teeth before I will finally have teeth! That don't give me pain. I am very excited.

DH: Foreman at work. With the weather finally warming up, he's getting the long hours that bring overtime pay. Which is nice, but at the same time takes a bit getting use to again.

Life is grand!

Sunday Sites

Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 9:11 AM

Sunday Sites

Duct tape roses ~ Someday I am going to make these.

Kool-Aid Dyeing ~ How to dye yarn with Kool-Aid.

Codes of Chivalry ~ Whether you are writing about knights or just curious.

Safes ~ Safes that don't look like a safe. (That word just don't look right!)

Household Measurements ~ Charts of measurements of household linens.

Sunday Sites

Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Sunday Sites

T-shirt Folding ~ I may end up folding my laundry now! It is a video.

Ana White ~ Free building plans for beds, storage and a bunch other things.

Confessions ~ An anonymous website where mommy's can confess things they normal NEVER say out loud.

Mending ~ A how-to site of how to fix tons of items.

Recycle Yarn ~ How to recycle yarn from sweaters so you can upcycle the yarn into something you want.

Here Again: A Restart.

Written by Spider Lady on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 9:52 PM

Oh the joys of blogging. You make big plans to write everyday, build a big readership, become one of the elite "Mommy Bloggers". I haven't done very well have I? I'm not going to make excuses, mainly because there is no one to read them, but also because there is no need.

So, what are my goals for blogging? Well, that's the hard part. I don't know if I want to become a mommy blogger to just:
  • get free stuff (which isn't a really good reason, I'll admit).
  • become one of the "Popular Kids"
  • record my kids growing up
  • have contact with the outside world.
So here's to starting, well restarting my blog again. A Pay it Forward.

I won the opportunity to Pay it Forward on Scotty's Place blog a few weeks ago. Here is all I know about Pay it Forward:
  • First 3 people who comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me sometime in the next 12 months.
  • If you are one of the three PIF participants I choose, you will have to host the same Pay It Forward on your blog and send a gift to the three first people who comment on yours too.
So be one of the three first bloggers to comment here if you’d like to participate and let's pay it forward!

About the author

A Pagan SAHM trying to find her path and help others along the way. You can email me: keepchillin4ever @ gmail DOT com

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