
Written by Spider Lady on Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 11:25 AM

I am grateful for a furnace that works ~ This week the temperature has been just above freezing. If it had not been for our lovely neighbor's father last fall ~ who knows when we would have gotten that fixed.

I am grateful for Hubby's job ~ It can be highly unfair (it is who you know, and not what you know) but he has been transfer to a different work crew and that has made a big difference on how work goes for him. He no longer comes home completely frustrated and depressed.

I am grateful for good friends ~ We spent last night over at our friend's apartment laughing, cooking, playing games, mainly just having a good time.

I am grateful for my family's health ~ Knock on wood we are all healthy and whole and are going to stay that way.

thankful sign Pictures, Images and Photos
Credit: iamblessed03

What are you grateful for today?

Wordless Wednesday

Written by Spider Lady on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 8:55 PM

Me at 8 years old.

Me now. (excuse the crappy picture)


Life and BOS's

Written by Spider Lady on at 6:50 AM

I actually got done most of what I wanted to get done yesterday. I didn't really get started until afternoon because of the dogs, both Koda (male) and Kacey (female) wanted in and out ~ and me to be outside with them ~ very cold yesterday!

So today I need to get the rest of dishes done, it's tacos for dinner tonight and I need a pan! Going to try and get clothes put away ~ at least they are clean, which is a big thing. Before we had a working washing machine ~ we'd go 2 or 3 weeks between Hubby taking clothes to the laundry mat and getting them washed. Why didn't I do it? 2 main reasons: Kids and laundry mats are bad combos. Second is the closes laundry mat is 26 miles away and I don't drive. Not yet anyways, I am learning but it's a slow process with Hubby really only home on the weekends.

I think I'm also going to do the bathroom ~ cleaning wise. The tub needs a good scrubbing ~ with my hair blue, when I wash my hair I bleed blue water a bit. Not as bad as when I first got my hair dyed but enough. Add to that Hubby working in concrete, you can imagine what my tub can look like.

Book of Shadows Pictures, Images and Photos
Credit: BlueEyedLady34

I also have a couple of links for online Books of Shadows that I'm going to link here one day and also I want to actually start my hard copy BOS. I've never been one for "ritual" magic but I've had the urge for quite a few months to start my BOS. I don't think I'll ever be real happy with any BOS I make ~ I'm too much of a perfectionist when it comes to things like that, but I need to try.

It's a cold one again today, and the weather is calling for rain with a possibility of SNOW!! tomorrow and thursday. SNOW!!! in September. I don't care if it's happened before here in North Dakota, I don't want it to happen while I'm here. That's too early and too cold!!!!

Goals for the Day

Written by Spider Lady on Monday, September 28, 2009 at 6:24 AM

320x222 life Pictures, Images and Photos

Today, I'm trying to be the good homemaker I should be. Meaning, doing the chores needed. I hate housework ~ severely! It's 7:30am right now, and I have 1 load of laundry in the dryer and another in the washer. My goal is to get another 2 -3 loads completed ~ meaning washed and dry. Setting the goal of having them put away as well is just setting myself up for failure. I also need to get dishes done. With how the drain is, getting dishes done isn't a big hardship because I literally can't do them all at once ~ something I can space out throughout the day I can do.

Then I also have my normal "mommy" stuff ~ keeping the kids alive. Tinkerbell is "mostly" potty trained ~ haven't had an accident since Thursday but she still likes someone to come with her at times. Buddy likes to be praised and talked to.

Then we have the dogs. It use to be dog, but a friend of ours moved into a 1 bedroom apartment. Him, his wife and their 2 kids. No room for a LARGE golden retriever. We have a golden retriever, Kacey, but she is 3 months younger than our friends dog, Koda. Koda was also starved and mistreated by our friends wife's family. So right now, it's a process to get him healthy and comfortable. I did let them know, I might not be able to handle 2 dogs along with my kids. We'll see how today goes, without Hubby home to help. Today is the pass or fail test.

Then with all that, I have to decided dinner, it's either mini pizzas or white chicken chili. All depends on what dishes I get washed!

My life is so exciting!!!

Random Links I Enjoy (RLIE)

Written by Spider Lady on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 9:15 PM

I had a thought/idea for a post then I got distracted online and promptly forgot it, so I figured I'd post a few (many) links I enjoy and a short reason why.

  1. Love vs. Marriage : It's basically a joke, but I thought it was good.
  2. What a Burglar won't tell you : 13 things burglars look for before breaking into your house/car.
  3. Vertebrae Hoodie : I so want to make this. If and when I ever get the time from my ever growing craft to-do list!
  4. Tips for Character Names : Because there is a writer in all of us (hence why we're bloggers), that and I do have a book/s floating in my head ~ now to just get them on paper!
  5. Bowling Set : A cute upcycle bowling game for kids!
  6. Bizarre Disappearances : I like unexplained/weird things. This fits the bill!
  7. Letterboxing : Sounds like a very fun cool idea ~ Just wish I lived in a state that had more of these!
  8. Santa's Wisdom Teachings : Yes it's a little early for christmas stuff ~ but it is a very good story that can work for anytime of the year, makes me choke up everytime!
  9. Pagan/Wiccan Songs and Chants : For those of us that can/like to sing for or during ritual (not me! can't carry a tune at all!!)
  10. Witch Bottles : A very interesting and informative read!
  11. How to be more Romantic : Because no matter how romantic you feel you are, you can always learn more!
  12. I am a Witch : A great poem for everyone!
  13. Crying Men : A man (famous one at that) showing real emotion? My heartstrings have been completely tugged!
Well that's what I got for tonight, I made it thru all 42 pages of my StumbleUpon! favorites. If you decide to visit my SU page ~ I will warn you, not all the thumbnails nor sites are safe for work or child friendly.

It is really weird being completely (or at least mostly) open of me, and not worrying about offending anyone. Hmm, let's see if I get any readers?

Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.
Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)

Another Start

Written by Spider Lady on Monday, September 14, 2009 at 10:10 AM

This is not my first blog, nor is it going to be my last. I had a blog Pagan Homemaking that seemed to be doing fairly well but died. Why? Because I felt like a fraud. I identify myself as a pagan, I call myself a witch but I don't practice what I preach and that felt wrong.

So here I go again, but this time I'm going to try and be true to myself. All of me ~ not just the pagan stuff, but other things as well. There will be links that will be NSW and non-child friendly but those I will have labeled. I will not put pictures here that are NSW or non-child friendly because I know how nosey kids can be when us parents are on the computer.

So a little introduction is in order. I'm a 24 year old mother of 2. I'm a self-proclaimed Bitch, but no one believes me. I take care of those I can, and feel the need to. I love all things dark and morbid, and yet I love the sun shining through my windows. I hate doing dishes but if I want to cook, I must do them. I dislike spicy food but make it at least twice a week for the Hubby, who loves it. I'm a very laid-back mom and yet I'm told constantly how well behaved and smart my kids are ~ I look at the speaker in disbelief.

Hubby is 25 and is one of the best guys you'll ever meet. As long as you treat him well, you'll be treated well in return. He works construction and especially when there is no snow on the ground, he's gone from dark to dark. So we, the family, miss him and are overjoyed when he gets home.

Buddy is 4 and is a typical boy ~ doesn't watch where he's running, or walking causing bumps and bruises. He loves Spiderman, cars, action movies ~ esp ones with martial arts fighting. He really doesn't have a favorite color yet, he loves to play with our golden retriever Kacey. And he loves his little sister.

Tinkerbell is 2 and a full mixture of tomboy and girly girl. She loves to dress up and play with dollies. Playing cars and balls with her brother. She's an independent little girl that insist on doing most things for herself. She's shy at first but once she warms up to a person, she always has a large smile for you.

We live in a very small town in southwestern North Dakota, in the middle of nowhere. We moved here on the spur of the moment May 2008 and don't regret it in the least. We have wonderful neighbors, clean air to breath, and green grass for the kids to run around in.

Hmmm, I think that about does it for introductions. So I'll post this for now and be back with "actual" posts!

About the author

A Pagan SAHM trying to find her path and help others along the way. You can email me: keepchillin4ever @ gmail DOT com

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